How does the Bicyclejack bike lift work?
Here you can see the ease of use of the Bicyclejack and the huge space saving our bike storage
Trailer "Simply ingenious":
Our bicycle lift Bicyclejack is extremely practical in use and easy to handle due to its mobility.
(Video shows a 21kg pedelec/e-bike from "Haibike")
Promo trailer
Trailer "Parking a bike":
with Bicyclejack it is now possible to park bicycles on edge against a wall without any effort. Get back 40% and more of your valuable space with Bicyclejack .
Trailer "Parking out a bicycle":
With Bicyclejack it is now possible to use bicycles immediately without first having to push aside bicycles that are annoyingly in the way.
Bicyclejack also offers many other advantages.
Look around our homepage and choose yourbicyclejacks according to the weights of your bikes and the desired surfaces.
If you have any questions or suggestions: we are always happy to help - just go to "Contact" and send us an email or give us a call.